Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Kashmir & the Punjab are interdependent Since Ancient Times

Kashmir & the Punjab are interdependent Since Ancient Times

 Charles von Hügel(born Carl Alexander Anselm Baron von Hügel; 25 April 1795 – 2 June 1870) was an Austrian noblearmy officerdiplomatbotanist who traveled in the Punjab & Kashmir during mid 1830s  and wrote his account in 4 volumes in German language. The first and third volumes relate von Hügel's journey across northern India, including meetings with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh ruler of the Punjab, in Lahore and a number of other European adventurers; the second volume provides an account of Kashmir's history, geography and resources; and the fourth volume is a gazetteer. later on In 1845, a year after the final volume's publication, Major Thomas B. Jervis had translated, abridged, annotated and published an English version of von Hügel's work in London.We donot know what Jervis deleted or added in it but what we had is enough to understand history and geography of the Punjab and Kashmir. The name of the English version of Hugel's abridged book is Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab. I extensively use his findings in my lecture about history of Trade and skills in Pre-colonial Punjab and its surroundings. as well as in a talk Misconceptions regarding the Punjab.
Both Punjab and Kashmir have trade links since centuries In old times war was also a form of trade and in many ways war & trade protected and promoted knowledge too. Alexander of Macedonia came to the Punjab in 327 BC and here he fought with Porus. King of Kashmir supported Maharaja Porus against Alexander of Macedonia. 

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